Wie funktioniert das Photometer?

Ein Photometer besteht grob aus einer Lichtquelle, einem Monochromator, einer Küvette für die Probe und einem Detektor. Der Monochromator sorgt dafür, dass nur Licht einer bestimmten Wellenlänge weitergeleitet wird. Der restliche Teil des Lichts wird vom Medium durchgelassen und gemessen.

Was misst das Luxmeter am Scheinwerfereinstellgerät?

Mit dem Luxmeter kann nach Einstellung der Scheinwerfer unter anderem kontrolliert werden, ob der höchstzulässige Blendwert des Abblendlichtes überschritten wird. In der Regel sind die heutigen Scheinwerfereinstellgeräte mit einem digitalen Luxmeter ausge- stattet, siehe Abbildung 10.

What is a a photometer used to measure?

A photometer is a device used to measure diverse aspects of the intensity of light. The instrument is used in photography, soil testing, and the water industry. It is used to compare light transmitted from two sources,…

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What is an absorption photometer and how does it work?

Due to its wide range of application and its reliability and robustness, the photometer has become one of the principal instruments in biochemistry and analytical chemistry. Absorption photometers for work in aqueous solution work in the ultraviolet and visible ranges, from wavelength around 240 nm up to 750 nm.

How does a photometer convert light into an electric current?

Most photometers convert light into an electric current using a photoresistor, photodiode, or photomultiplier . Before electronic light sensitive elements were developed, photometry was done by estimation by the eye. The relative luminous flux of a source was compared with a standard source.

What is the difference between spectrophotometer and filter photometer?

In filter photometers, optical filters are used to give the monochromatic light. Spectrophotometers can thus easily be set to measure the absorbance at different wavelengths, and they can also be used to scan the spectrum of the absorbing substance.

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