Hat Jodie Foster ihre Kinder adoptiert?

Und es sind zwei Männer, die in ihrem Leben am wichtigsten sind: ihre beiden Söhne Kit (14) und Charles (17), die sie auf die Welt brachte und die von ihrer Ex-Partnerin, Filmproduzentin Cydney Bernard (63) adoptiert wurden. Nach ihrer Trennung vor acht Jahren leben sie bei Jodie Foster, der Vater ist unbekannt.

Ist Jodie Foster Französisch?

Foster besuchte die französischsprachige Privatschule „Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles“ und spricht deshalb fließend Französisch. Das ist auch der Grund warum die Schauspielerin die französische Synchronstimme ihrer Rollen selbst übernimmt. Foster widmete nicht ihr ganzes Leben der Schauspielerei.

Are Jodie Foster and Mel Gibson friends?

Jodie Foster’s friendship with Mel Gibson has long puzzled movie fans, who see the two-time Academy Award winner as always acting with integrity, professionally and in her personal life. Gibson, on the other hand, is “problematic,” as Foster herself acknowledged in a new interview this week.

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What did Jada Foster say to Mel Gibson at the Oscars?

In his intro, Downey made a crack about hamsters and had Gibson hand the “Panic Room” actress a bunch of doll hamsters on a silver platter which Foster proceeded to nibble on (ugh, inside jokes). Afterward, during her much-talked-about acceptance speech, Foster thanked her family, friends “and of course Mel Gibson, you know you saved me too.”

Did Mel Gibson and Jane Foster bury a body together?

Foster repeated that sentiment to Maron when he jokingly asked whether she and Gibson “had buried a body together” to explain their continued bond. She explained how she always told her college-aged sons that she would be the first to call the police if they did anything illegal.

Who is Bob Foster’s friend Mel in ‚the Beaver?

Foster, who publicly stood up for Mel when his troubles started snowballing, cast Mel in her film The Beaver and his one of his biggest supporters. But that’s all.

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