In welchem Staat liegt Santa Fe?

Santa Fe (New Mexico)

Santa Fe
Gründung: ca. 1607/08
Staat: Vereinigte Staaten
Bundesstaat: New Mexico
County: Santa Fe County

Wo liegt der Staat New Mexico?

New Mexico (spanisch Nuevo México; kurz: NM) ist ein Bundesstaat im Südwesten der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Name stammt von den spanischen Eroberern, die damit das Land westlich und nördlich des Rio Grande bezeichneten.

Wo liegt New Mexico Staat?

What is Santa Fe New Mexico known for?

Santa Fe, founded in 1607, is the capital of the state of New Mexico and its principal tourist destination, renowned for its confluence of scenic beauty, long history (at least by American standards), cultural diversity, and extraordinary concentration of arts, music and fine dining.

What is the population of Santa Fe in New Mexico?

It is the fourth-largest city in New Mexico with a population of 84,683 in 2019, the county seat of Santa Fe County, and its metropolitan area is part of the larger Albuquerque –Santa Fe– Las Vegas combined statistical area which features a population of 1,178,664 as of the 2018 Census Bureau estimate.

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When did New Mexico lose Santa Fe to Mexico?

While Spain lost Santa Fe to Mexico in 1810, Mexico suppressed a Texan raid on Santa Fe in 1841 only to lose it to the United States five years later. Santa Fe was designated the capital of the U.S. State of New Mexico in 1912.

What is the elevation difference between Santa Fe and Albuquerque?

Santa Fe is nearly 1,500 ft (460 m) above Albuquerque, and on I-25, most of the elevation change is on a single long, steep hill known as „La Bajada.“ La Bajada hill is hairy to drive during winter snowstorms and is occasionally closed for periods of several hours.