Was bedeutet EPS an der Börse?

1. Begriff: Gewinn je Aktie. Quotient aus dem (Konzern-)Jahresergebnis der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung und der Anzahl der residualanspruchsberechtigten ausstehenden Aktien eines Unternehmens. Die Ermittlung der Earnings per share ist in der IAS/IFRS-Rechnungslegung in IAS 33 „Ergebnis je Aktie“ standardisiert.

Was ist eine EPS Schätzung?

Das EPS (Earnings per Share) ist eine Kennzahl zur Beurteilung der Ertragssituation eines Unternehmens. Zur Berechnung des EPS wird das Ergebnis der entsprechenden Periode durch die Anzahl der Aktien geteilt.

What is EBIT-EPs analysis and how does it work?

EBIT-EPS analysis is a technique used to determine the optimal capital structure in which the value of earnings per share (EPS) has the highest amount for a given amount of earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT). In other words, the objective of EBIT-EPS analysis is to determine the effect of using different sources of financing on EPS.

What are the advantages of EBIT analysis?

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Financial planning. Applying EBIT-EPS analysis allows earnings per share to be maximized for any given value of earnings before interest and taxes. It helps to choose the best financing plan. Comparative analysis. Such analysis is possible not only for a company as a whole but also for a specific product, project, department, or market.

What is the EBIT-EPs graph for alternative capital structures?

The EBIT-EPS graph for both alternative capital structures is given in the figure below. When EBIT reaches the EBIT-EPS indifference point, both financing plans generate equal EPS. However, if EBIT has a lower value, equity financing will generate higher EPS than debt financing.

What is the EBIT-EBT analysis?

The EBIT-EBT analysis is the method that studies the leverage, i.e. comparing alternative methods of financing at different levels of EBIT. Simply put, EBIT-EPS analysis examines the effect of financial leverage on the EPS with varying levels of EBIT or under alternative financial plans.

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