Auf welchem Kontinent liegt Timor Leste?


Wo liegt das Land Osttimor?

Es liegt auf der Insel Timor. Zum Land Osttimor gehören die Osthälfte der Insel, ein kleines Stück im Westen, das Oe-cusse Ambeno genannt wird und die kleinen Inseln Atauro und Jaco. Der restliche Westen der Insel Timor und die Inseln um Osttimor gehören zu Indonesien. Im Süden liegt Australien.

In welchem Land liegt Timor?

Why did the Indonesian government annex East Timor?

The Indonesian government presented its annexation of East Timor as a matter of anticolonial unity. A 1977 booklet from the Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs, entitled Decolonization in East Timor, paid tribute to the „sacred right of self-determination“ and recognised APODETI as the true representatives of the East Timorese majority.

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What happened in East Timor in 1978?

World Vision Indonesia visited East Timor in October 1978 and claimed that 70,000 East Timorese were at risk of starvation. An envoy from the International Committee of the Red Cross reported in 1979 that 80 percent of one camp’s population was malnourished, in a situation that was „as bad as Biafra „.

Are APODETI the true representatives of East Timor?

A 1977 booklet from the Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs, entitled Decolonization in East Timor, paid tribute to the „sacred right of self-determination“ and recognised APODETI as the true representatives of the East Timorese majority. It claimed that FRETILIN’s popularity was the result of a „policy of threats, blackmail and terror“.

How many died in the Indonesian invasion of East Timor?

In an interview on 5 April 1977 with the Sydney Morning Herald, Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik said the number of dead was „50,000 people or perhaps 80,000“. The Indonesian government presented its annexation of East Timor as a matter of anticolonial unity.

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