In welchem Kloster wurde Mary Ward gefangen gehalten?

Sie reiste mehrere Male nach Rom um vom Papst die Erlaubnis für ihre Institute zu bekommen. Dieser lobte ihre Arbeit. Einigen Kardinälen aber waren die Anschauungen Maria Wards zu fortschrittlich. 1631 wurde sie daher gefangen genommen und im Anger-Kloster in München eingesperrt.

Was hat Maria Ward erreicht?

1627 gründete Maria Ward eine Schule für Mädchen in München. Mehrmals pilgerte Maria Ward vergeblich nach Rom, um vom Papst den Status einer geistlichen Gemeinschaft zu erhalten. 1645 starb sie in England. 1877 erhielt das von Maria Ward gegründete Institut der Englischen Fräulein die päpstliche Anerkennung.

Where did Nancy Ward live in Tennessee?

Early Life Nancy Ward is believed to have been born around 1738 in the Cherokee village of Chota, in what is today Monroe County, Tennessee. Chota, the Cherokee capital, was known as a „City of Refuge,“ meaning that it was a place where those in distress could seek asylum.

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Does Nancy Ward have any descendants?

Her first husband, named Tsu-la, or Kingfisher was killed in battle in 1755. They had two children before his death, Ka-ti, and Hiskyteehee/Fivekiller. Her second husband was a white trader named Bryan or Bryant Ward. They had one daughter, Betsy Ward. Nancy Ward had no descendants named Ward.

What did Nancy Ward do for the Cherokees?

Nancy Ward was a respected woman among the Cherokees and the white settlers. She was an outspoken supporter of peace. On at least two occasions she sent warnings to white settlements of impending Indian attacks, for fear that surprise attacks would further erode the strained relationship between the Cherokees and the settlers.

What is Bryan (T) Ward’s ancestry?

Nothing is known of Bryan (t) Ward’s ancestry and except for the one son his white family is uncertain. Nan ye hi (Nancy Ward) was probably born in Chota, Cherokee Nation, about 1738.

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