Ist Fitbit eine Smartwatch?

Fitbit, Pionier der Fitness- und Activity-Tracker, hat in dieser Woche eine neue Smartwatch vorgestellt. Die Fitbit Ionic entstand zusammen mit dem einst übernommenen Team der ersten Smartwatch Pebble. Und laut nicht wenigen Medien ist es die erste Smartwatch aus dem Hause Fitbit.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Smartwatch und Tracker?

Fitnesstracker sind oft länglich, Smartwatches ähneln in ihrer runden oder eckigen Form eher klassischen Uhren. Zwar kommen Fitnesstracker heute auch mit OLED-Display, die Auflösung ist bei vielen allerdings deutlich geringer und die Helligkeit kann mit der einer Smartwatch nicht mithalten.

What is Fitbit and how does it work?

Fitbit is a company providing wearable devices with software and services that aim to help users reach their health and fitness goals. It offers Fitbit Tracker, a device that automatically tracks data activities, such as the number of steps walked, heart rate, quality of sleep, steps climbed, and other personal metrics involved in fitness.

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Who is the founder of Fitbit?

In 2007, our founders, Eric and James, realized that sensors and wireless technology had advanced to a point where they could bring amazing experiences to fitness and health. They embarked on a journey to create a wearable product that would change the way we move. To empower and inspire you to live a healthier, more active life.

Where is the headquarters of Fitbit located?

Fitbit headquarters is located at 199 Fremont St, San Francisco, San Francisco. Where are Fitbit offices? Fitbit has offices in San Francisco, Boston, Issaquah, San Diego and in 11 other locations. How many offices does Fitbit have?

Who are the competitors of Fitbit?

Competitors of Fitbit include Athos, Xiaomi and LG Electronics. Where is Fitbit headquarters? Fitbit headquarters is located at 199 Fremont St, San Francisco, San Francisco. Where are Fitbit offices? Fitbit has offices in San Francisco, Boston, Issaquah, San Diego and in 11 other locations.

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