Ist Malta ein Entwicklungsland?

Im Global Competitiveness Index, der die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eines Landes misst, belegt Malta 37 von 137 Ländern (Stand 2017–2018). Im Index für wirtschaftliche Freiheit belegte das Land 2017 Platz 50 von 180 Ländern.

Was wird in Malta angebaut?

Mit Landwirtschaft und Fischerei deckt Malta gerade mal 20 Prozent des Eigenbedarfs. Das bedeutet, dass das Land 80 Prozent der Nahrungsmittel und alltäglichen Güter aus dem Ausland einführen muss. Angebaut werden vor allem Kartoffeln, Melonen, Getreide, Zitrusfrüchte und Wein.

What does Malta import from other countries?

Means of transportation are also on top of Malta’s import list occupying 2\%. Other goods that are also imported in a small percent are: pharmaceuticals, metals, foods and textiles. The countries Malta imports the most from are: South Korea which provides 23\% of the imports, Italy – 22\%, Russia – 6\%, Turkey and the United Kingdom – 4.5\%.

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What are the import duties and VAT rates in Malta?

The duty rates for imports are variable and range between 0\% and 17\%. There are also anti-dumping duties that can reach 48.5\%. The VAT Malta applies to imported products and services is set at 18\%, but some products benefit from a reduced rate of 5\%.

Why set up a business in Malta?

Malta’s economy is mainly based on tourism and depends very much on foreign trade such as manufacturing goods. Malta is considered one of the most attractive destinations for foreign investments in Europe especially due to its legislation for FDI. That’s why many foreign entrepreneurs are interested in opening a company in Malta.

What is the economy like in Malta?

Malta is the 113th largest export economy in the world. In 2017, Malta exported $3.87B and imported $12.2B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $8.35B. In 2017 the GDP of Malta was $12.5B and its GDP per capita was $41k.

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