Ist Trends de seriös?

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Welche Märkte haben Zukunft?

Stand: November 2021

Trendbranchen und Wachstumsfelder Firmenbeispiele und Fachbeiträge auf DDW ¹
Silver Society Solutions WiseForce Advisors
Home Entertainment / Gaming / E-Sports MackNeXT, Bayes Esports Solutions
Drohnen / Flugtaxis / Space
Mobilitätslösungen / Autonomes Fahren / Hyperloop

How do I define the trend?

A trend is the general direction of the price of a market,asset,or metric.

  • Uptrends are marked by rising data points,such as higher swing highs and higher swing lows.
  • Downtrends are marked by falling data points,such as lower swing lows and lower swing highs.
  • What do you mean by trend?

    What is a ‚Trend‘. The trend is the general direction of a market or of the price of a security. In technical analysis, trends are identified by trendlines that connect a series of highs or lows. Most traders trade in the same direction as a trend, while contrarians seek to identify reversals. Trends can also apply to interest rates, bond yields,…

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    What does trend mean?

    A trend is the overall direction of a market or an asset’s price. In technical analysis, trends are identified by trendlines or price action that highlight when the price is making higher swing highs and higher swing lows for an uptrend, or lower swing lows and lower swing highs for a downtrend.

    What is a synonym for trend?

    Synonym Discussion of trend. tendency, trend, drift, tenor, current mean movement in a particular direction. tendency implies an inclination sometimes amounting to an impelling force. a general tendency toward inflation.