Was bedeutet Executive Meerblick?

Als Executive – Doppelzimmer wird eine Zimmerkategorie eines Hotels bezeichnet, die für zwei Personen ausgelegt ist. Meist befinden sich diese Etagen in den obersten Stockwerken eines Hotels und bieten den Gästen einen einzigartigen Panoramablick auf die Stadt.

Was heißt Executive Lounge?

Die Buchung eines Executive Zimmers schließt oftmals einen Zugang zur Club-Lounge des Hotels mit ein. Dabei handelt es sich um gediegene, stilvolle Räumlichkeiten mit bequemen Sofas oder Sitzecken zum Entspannen, wo sich die Executive- oder Club-Gäste an einem üppigen Buffet bedienen können.

Was ist ein Double Superior Room?

In dieser Zimmerkategorie haben Gäste besonders viel Platz. Das Zimmer erstreckt sich über zwei Stockwerke, die über eine Treppe im Zimmer verbunden sind.

What is an executive suite?

An executive suite—also called a serviced office or a business center—provides a tenant with private office space outfitted with basic furniture as well as shared amenities such as lobbies, break rooms, and conference rooms. A single office building might house 40 different businesses which use both individual and shared spaces.

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Is the Executive Suite smaller than the office space?

However, although it may be smaller in terms of size comparison, the trade off is the perks in which you receive. The executive suite tends to provide clientele with a very vast array of shared pleasantries that some office spaces do not typically contain.

When did the movie Executive Suite take place?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. 1954 MGM drama film directed by Robert Wise. Lobby card. Executive Suite is a 1954 American Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer drama film directed by Robert Wise and written by Ernest Lehman, based on the novel of the same name by Cameron Hawley.

Should you start looking for executive suites for rent?

Executive suites for rent can be a great option, especially for small businesses who want to make a professional impression or exude a corporate feel to visitors. However, this setup isn’t the best option for everyone. Check out the details below to see if you should start looking for an executive suite.

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