Was bedeutet Tarifgruppe 2?

Gehalt E 2 TVöD Bund Entgeltgruppe 2 TVöD gilt typischerweise für angelernte oder ungelernte Beschäftigte, vergleichbar mit dem einfachen Dienst bei Beamten. Laut TVöD Bund 2021 liegt die monatliche Vergütung in der Entgeltgruppe E 2 im Bereich €2.203 – €2.811, abhängig von Erfahrung und Beschäftigungsdauer.

Wie weiß ich in welcher Entgeltgruppe ich bin?

An- und Ungelernte → Entgeltgruppe 1 bis 4. Mindestens 2- oder 3-jährige Berufsausbildung → Entgeltgruppe 5 bis 9a. Fachhochschulstudium oder Bachelor → Entgeltgruppe 9b bis 12. Wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium oder Master → Entgeltgruppe 13 bis 15.

What does GTL stand for on paycheck?

GTL stands for Group Term Life , which is the life insurance the University carries on your behalf (two times your salary). All life insurance greater than $50,000 is subject to FICA taxes. The insurance policy is an employer paid benefit but we must withhold FICA taxes on any amount exceeding the $50,000 per IRS regulations.

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What does GTL mean on a check stub?

A: GTL represents the words Group Term Life . As required by law, the portion of life insurance benefits that is provided to you by DPS that exceeds $50,000, is taxable earnings to you. This amount is added to your Federal, State, and Medicare taxable earnings for W-2 reporting.

What is GTL on paycheck?

If you see GTL which stands for Group Term Life on your paycheck, it means your employer has elected this organization-wide benefit that essentially pays your beneficiaries a portion or full amount of your annual salary. This is a taxable benefit (FICA taxes Medicare & Social Security) for any earnings over $50,000/year.

What does GTL mean payroll?

GTL stands for Group Term Life (payroll taxable benefit) Suggest new definition. This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Business, finance, etc.