Was hat die Polarstern Expedition gekostet?

Missionshintergrund und Ziele

Dauer über 300 Tage (Kernexpedition)
Kosten mehr als 140 Mio. € 200.000 €/Tag
Zurückgelegter Weg 16.232 km (Hafen Tromsø-Bremerhaven) davon ca. 3.400 km Eisdrift
Energieverbrauch Polarstern ca. 9.900 Tonnen DMA bei den weiteren vier Eisbrechern unbekannt

Wann wurde die Polarstern in Dienst gestellt?

Das Forschungsschiff Polarstern 27.06.2018 Forschung Es wurde am 9. Dezember 1982 in Dienst gestellt. Die Polarstern gehört zu den leistungsfähigsten Forschungsschiffen weltweit. Eigens für die Polarforschung konzipiert, liegt ihr Einsatzgebiet im Nord- und Südpolarmeer.

What is the meaning of the word expedition?

Definition of expedition. 1a : a journey or excursion undertaken for a specific purpose. b : the group of persons making such a journey. 2 : efficient promptness : speed.

Is the Ford Expedition a replacement for the Ford Excursion?

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Similar to the configuration of the Chevrolet Tahoe and Suburban, the Ford Expedition is sold in regular and extended lengths (the Ford Expedition EL/Max); sold since 2007, the latter functionally serves as the replacement for the Ford Excursion.

What kind of transmission does an ex-expedition have?

Expedition was available with automatic full-time ControlTrac four-wheel drive with two-speed dual range BorgWarner 4406 transfer case and a center multi-disc differential. ControlTrac was introduced in 1995 and included four selectable modes: Two High, Auto, Four High (lock) and Four Low (lock).

How much did it cost to build the Ford Expedition?

Known internally at Ford as the UN93, the first generation Expedition was developed under the UN93 program from 1993 to 1996, headed by chief engineer Dale Claudepierre at a cost of US$1.3 billion. Initial planning began in 1991 parallel to PN96 F-Series development, prior to the UN93 program fully being approved in 1993.