Was ist eine Community Plattform?

Eine Community-Plattform im Internet stellt grundlegende Werkzeuge wie E-Mail, Forum, Chatsystem, Instant Messaging, Schwarzes Brett oder Tauschbörse bereit, um den Austausch zwischen ihren Mitgliedern zu ermöglichen und zu organisieren.

Wie funktioniert eine Online-Community?

Eine Online-Community ist eine virtuelle Gemeinschaft von Internet-Nutzern. Es handelt sich hierbei also um Gemeinschaften, die über das Medium Internet zusammenfinden und sich mithilfe verschiedenster Plattformen austauschen und miteinander in Kontakt treten.

Ist eine Community?

Eine Community bezeichnet eine virtuelle Gemeinschaft bzw. einen Zusammenschluss von Internet-Nutzern, die sich auf speziell dafür eingerichteten Online-Plattformen austauschen. Kommuniziert wird zum Beispiel innerhalb der Web Community per E-Mail, Chat, Newsboard, Tauschbörse, Instant-Messenger, Foren, MatchMaking.

What is state community website?

This community website has a very interesting design and has the purpose of bringing the people’s opinions together. STATE welcomes proactive contributors and awesome ideas and their goal is to achieve individual empowerment, progress and a democratic community. This site lets you rent unique accommodations from local hosts in 191+ countries.

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Where can I find a good community website design?

You will find some popular ones as well, such as Envato, Airbnb, Ello, and more! Get inspired by their designs, user-friendly interfaces and interesting content! They will surely help you build awesome online community websites yourself and help you learn what makes a good community website design.

What are some examples of successful online communities?

15 Examples Of Thriving Online Communities. Threadless. Designers unite, this is the coolest community for one of the coolest audiences. A true example of building a business for a community and not a community for a business. Buy the book too. SK-Gaming. Game-mechanics overload and a very active online community for today’s top gamers.

What is the best online community for gamers?

SK-Gaming. Game-mechanics overload and a very active online community for today’s top gamers. If your custom designing a site, this isn’t a terrible design. ModelMayhem. Models and photographers have a place to meet. Again, simple forum software reigns supreme. CommunityCare. A place for social workers to meet.

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