Was kommt in den Skimmer?

Das vorgefilterte Wasser wird anschließend von der Pumpe angesaugt und dem Filterkreislauf zugeführt. Bevor es durch die Einlaufdüsen wieder zurück ins Schwimmbecken geleitet wird. Die Chlortablette löst sich im Skimmerkorb durch die Sogwirkung der Pumpe schneller auf.

Wo ist der Skimmer im Pool?

Einbauskimmer. Ein solcher Skimmer sitzt in einer Öffnung am Pool auf Höhe der Wasseroberfläche. Der Oberflächenabsauger wird im Laufe des Poolbaus in eine vor- oder ausgestanzte Öffnung in der Stahlwand eingesetzt und befestigt.

What is a pool skimmer and how does it work?

The pool skimmer is the first part of the pool cleaning system. The pool pump sucks water into the skimmer from the pool. It enters the skimmer via the skimmer door, and after passing through the skimmer basket to trap any large pieces of debris, travels down the pipes at the bottom to the pump.

Can you put chlorine tablets in the skimmer basket?

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If you use chlorine tablets, or one of the “all-in-one” tablets, then putting chlorine tablets in the skimmer basket is the best place. They will slowly dissolve and the treated water will be distributed around the pool by the pump. This way you won’t get a build up of strong chlorine which could damage your pool liner (if your pool is this type).

Can you use an above ground skimmer on a pole?

This above-ground skimmer can be used by itself or attached to a standard pole for better reach and an irresistibly clean pool. This above-ground skimmer can be used by itself or attached to a standard pole for better reach and an irresistibly clean pool. .

What is an equalizer line on a pool skimmer?

The purpose of an equalizer line arrangement was to allow the skimmer to keep operating if the pool water level drops below the opening to the skimmer. A spring loaded valve was usually screwed into the front hole of the skimmer, on the pool side. This valve would open up if the skimmer started to suck air.

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