Was macht Gotye heute?

Gotye selbst hat keine Pläne, mit seiner Solo-Karriere weiterzumachen oder neue Musik herauszubringen, doch engagiert sich der Künstler, wie man seinem Twitter- und Instagram-Acccount entnehmen kann, gerne für die Projekte anderer Musiker und Bands.

Wie alt ist Gotye?

41 Jahre (21. Mai 1980)Gotye / Alter

Wann kam das Lied Somebody That I Used To Know?

Somebody That I Used to Know ist ein 2011 veröffentlichtes Lied des belgisch-australischen Sängers Gotye. Es wurde zusammen mit der neuseeländischen Sängerin Kimbra aufgenommen und als zweite Single aus Gotyes drittem Studioalbum Making Mirrors ausgekoppelt.

Wer hat Somebody That I Used to Know geschrieben?

GotyeSomebody That I Used To Know / Texter

What is the net worth of Gotye 2021?

As of July 2021, The estimated net worth of Gotye is more than $15 million. The singer made this net worth by releasing many albums in his career. He has released two commercially successful albums, and his single “Somebody That I Used to Know” was also a major hit across the planet. He has also released albums as The Basic.

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What happened to Gotye?

In mid-2012, CNN reported via iReport that Gotye had passed away due to suicide. Part of the report read: “At 4:32 am EST, it was reported that Gotye had shot himself in the head with a 9mm handgun. He was pronounced dead at 4:45 AM, and the investigation concluded that the cause was death was suicide.

What awards has Gotye won in Australia?

Also in 2006 Gotye won ‚Most Outstanding New Independent Artist‘ at the inaugural Australian Independent Record (AIR) Chart Awards and Like Drawing Blood was amongst nine shortlisted finalists in the 2006 Australian Music Prize. In 2007, De Backer won the ARIA for best male artist.

What is gotgotye’s real name?

Gotye’s real name is Wouter “Wally” De Backer. He was born in Bruges, Belgium on 21 May 1980. He spent his childhood in Australia’s Montmorency, Victoria.