Was sind AR Brillen?

Die Nreal Light wird über ein Kabel mit einem Android-Smartphone verbunden. Von dort bekommt sie zum einen den Strom, zum anderen die Rechenleistung, um virtuelle Objekte auch dreidimensional darstellen zu können. Mit iPhones ist die Brille nicht kompatibel. Berichten zufolge arbeitet Apple an einer eigenen AR-Brille.

Welches Handy kann AR?

Praktisch: Indem ihr euch die ARCore-App aus dem Google Play Store ladet, findet ihr heraus, ob euer Smartphone AR nutzen kann. In der neuesten Version klappt es auch mit dem Samsung Galaxy S9 (Shoplink), dem Huawei P20 (Pro), dem Moto Z2, dem Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) oder dem Google Nexus 6P.

What is Ar marketing and how can it help your business?

The main reason businesses are using AR marketing is that it generates greater engagement with their brand. Prospective customers aren’t just looking at your content – they’re interacting with it. This means they are much more likely to remember your messaging.

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What is augmented reality (AR) marketing?

Augmented Reality (AR) marketing sets a new trend for brands to communicate with their audience via their mobile app using interactive content. AR technology made it possible to visualize myriad types of digital content, thus easily accessing missing information about product’s size, shape and/or features.

What is the future of AR in the Ecommerce Industry?

According to a survey, the likelihood of a successful online sales conversion is about 40\% if a consumer is able to view the product in AR. Furthermore, the AR industry is expecting to see revenue growth of $120 billion by 2020 as technological infrastructure begins to expand globally.

What is AR technology and how does it work?

AR technology made it possible to visualize myriad types of digital content, thus easily accessing missing information about product’s size, shape and/or features. AR apps enable users to interact with products: to reach out and “touch”, view from different angles, take snapshots, and much more.

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