Was sind Computer Bots?

Unter einem Bot (von englisch robot ‚Roboter‘) versteht man ein Computerprogramm, das weitgehend automatisch sich wiederholende Aufgaben abarbeitet, ohne dabei auf eine Interaktion mit einem menschlichen Benutzer angewiesen zu sein. Kommunizieren Bots untereinander, spricht man von einem Bot-Netz oder Botnet.

Ist ein Bot ein Virus?

DDoS-Angriffe Ein Botnet ist kein Virus an sich, sondern eine Sammlung von automatisch vernetzten Geräten. Häufig nutzen Angreifer Botnets, um DDoS-Angriffe zu starten und Spam zu versenden, Kennwörter zu erkennen oder Ransomware zu verteilen.

Is it illegal to use a mailing bot?

Likes Received: 690. No bots are not illegal and are not covered by can-spam. CAN-SPAM covers email marketing but does not prohibit the use of bots but rather deceptive means so even a mailing bot is not illegal it is the means in which it is used.

Are sneaker bots illegal to use?

The internet is full of viruses and bots that are designed to steal information. So when you think about a sneaker bot it may sound like something illegal. So you may be asking “are sneaker bots illegal?” At the time of this writing, sneaker bots are not illegal to use.

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Should ‚Grinch bots‘ be banned?

The proposed “ Stopping Grinch Bots Act “ would make it illegal to use bots to shop online and also outlaw reselling items purchased by bots. Lawmakers label them „Grinch“ bots because, during the holiday season, resellers use them to buy inventory of highly coveted toys that can be resold at highly inflated prices.

Can you use a bot to buy event tickets?

However, Congress has passed a bill against using bots to purchase multiple event tickets. That bill is specifically for event tickets. However, there is the potential that all bots including sneaker bots could eventually be included with that bill. (You can read more about that bill over on High Snobiety HERE .)