Was versteht man unter Rogue DHCP und wo liegen die Gefahren?

Ein rogue DHCP-Server (rogue: engl. für Schurke) stört den Betrieb eines mittels DHCP verwalteten lokalen Netzwerks. Die Schadsoftware läuft dabei i. auf einem gewöhnlichen Arbeitsrechner, erscheint aber im Netzwerk wie ein gewöhnlicher DHCP-Server und gibt bei DHCP-Anfragen unsinnige bis schadhafte Antworten.

Wie funktioniert DHCP-Snooping?

DHCP-Snooping untersucht alle DHCP-Pakete und unterbindet das Versenden gefälschter DHCP-Informationen. Dazu werden die Switchports in trusted und untrusted Ports eingeteilt. Ein Angreifer könnte auf DHCP-Discover-Pakete mit eigenen DHCP-Offers reagieren.

What is DHCP and how does it work?

The basic flow is that a DHCP server hands out configuration data, based on the administrator’s policy, to a requesting client. Common network parameters (sometimes referred to as “ DHCP Options “) requested include subnet mask, router, domain name server, hostname and domain name.

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What is DHCP failover and how it works?

The DHCP service can be enhanced by DHCP failover to bring high availability and load balancing of traffic. The ISC DHCP Failover relies on having a pair of collaborating servers – a primary (master) server and a secondary (backup) server. A TCP-based communication channel, called a failover channel, then has to be set up between the two servers.

What is the final result of DHCP configuration wizard?

The final result of the DHCP configuration wizard is an INI file. This file will contain all the configuration options. The filename and path shown here should point to d:\\dhcpsrv\\dhcpsrv.ini, depending on where you’ve exctracted the zip file. It is important that the INI file is placed into the same folder as dhcpsrv.exe resides.

What is dynamic host configuration protocol ( DHCP)?

It relies on the standard protocol known as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or DHCP to respond to broadcast queries by clients. A DHCP server automatically sends the required network parameters for clients to properly communicate on the network.

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