Welche Arten von Konnossementen gibt es?

Arten. Es gibt ein Übernahmekonnossement und ein Bordkonnossement. Gemäß § 514 Abs. 2 HGB liegt ein Bordkonnossement vor, wenn das Frachtgut an Bord genommen wurde; wurde das Konnossement bereits vorher ausgestellt, handelt es sich um ein Übernahmekonnossement.

Warum mehrere Konossemente?

Frachtbrief im Seegüterverkehr. Aus Gründen der Sicherheit wird das Konnossement grundsätzlich in mehreren gleichlautenden Exemplaren (Originalen) ausgestellt, deren Anzahl im B/L angegeben ist. Mit der Erfüllung eines Konnossements sind alle übrigen Ausfertigungen als erledigt zu betrachten.

What is a bill of lading and how does it work?

A bill of lading is a document accompanying freight that states the agreement between the shipper and the carrier and governs their relationship when goods are transported. It details the cargo in the shipment and gives title or ownership of that shipment to the receiving party specified on the document.

Can a bill of lading be used as conclusive evidence?

However, when the bill of lading is negotiated to a bona fide third party then the bill of lading becomes conclusive evidence where no contradictory evidence can be introduced. It is because the third party cannot examine the actual shipment and can only pay attention to the document itself, not survey or examination of the shipment itself.

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Is an order bill of lading negotiable?

An order bill is considered a “negotiable instrument,” which means that it acts as a substitute for money or as a promise to pay. An order bill of lading might be used if the goods are shipped under an open account or letter of credit.

Can a shipper get a Master Bill of lading?

Additionally, the actual shipper of the cargo will only receive a Master Bill of Lading if they are working directly with a mainline carrier or a freight forwarder. If the shipper is working with a freight forwarder, they will receive a House Bill of Lading instead as their Bill of Lading.