Welche Kosten fallen bei Etsy an?

– Wenn du in den letzten 365 Tagen weniger als 10.000 USD auf Etsy eingenommen hat, wird dir eine Gebühr von 15 \% auf die Gesamtsumme der Bestellung berechnet. – Wenn du mindestens 10.000 USD Umsatz gemacht hast, erhältst du eine ermäßigte Gebührenrate von 12 \%.

Welche Zahlungsarten gibt es bei Etsy?

Mit welchen Zahlungsmethoden kann ich auf Etsy bezahlen?

  • Kreditkarten.
  • Debit-/Bankkarten.
  • Etsy-Gutscheine und Etsy-Gutschriften.
  • Apple Pay.
  • Google Pay.
  • PayPal.
  • Klarna Finanzierung (USA)
  • Klarna Ratenzahlungen (Australien, Spanien, Vereinigtes Königreich, USA)

Does Etsy report gross sales income on 1099?

If you are located in the US or paid in USD, Etsy is required to report your total gross sales income from Etsy Payments on the 1099-K form without subtracting expenses, such as (not a complete list): Taxes collected by Etsy from your buyers are not reported on the 1099-K form we issue. What does gross sales income mean?

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How do I reconcile my 1099-K form with Etsy?

To reconcile your 1099-K form, you can download your Etsy Payments CSV file and view the “gross” column. While we are required to report gross income on your form, it remains your responsibility to determine what, from your total amount earned, to report as taxable income on your income tax return.

Do I need to file a tax form for Etsy payments?

You will receive a form if you have $1000 or more in sales through Etsy Payments in a calendar year. If you also meet both the $20,000 in sales and 200 payments federal IRS thresholds, that information will also be reported to the IRS as well as the state tax authorities for the states that require it (DC, MA, MD, NJ, VT or VA).

How do I calculate the totals on the 1099-K form issued?

To calculate the totals on the 1099-K form issued for your Etsy Payments sales, you can download your Etsy Payments CSV file: On Etsy.com, click Shop Manager. Click Settings. Select Options. Choose the Etsy Payments Sales CSV type. Click Download.

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