Wem gehört Rio Tinto?

Rio Tinto gehört Hamersley Iron, das allein oder mit Partnern mehrere Bergwerke in Westaustralien betreibt. Einige deer Partner sind chinesische Unternehmen. Weiter gehören Rio Tinto 53 \% der Robe River Iron Associates und 59 \% der Iron Ore Company of Canada.

Was produziert Rio Tinto?

Das Bergbauunternehmen Rio Tinto Der in London und Melbourne ansässige Konzern wurde 1873 gegründet und baut hauptsächlich Eisenerz, Bauxit, Kupfer, Diamanten und verschiedene Mineralien ab. Bauxit ist dabei ein wichtiges Erz für die Herstellung von Aluminium.

Wann zahlt die Aktie Rio Tinto Dividende?

Wann zahlt Rio Tinto Dividende? Rio Tinto schüttet 2 Mal im Jahr eine Dividende aus. Ausschüttungsmonate sind April, September.

Wie oft zahlt Fortescue Dividende?

Fortescue Metals Group schüttet 2 Mal im Jahr eine Dividende aus. Ausschüttungsmonate sind März, September.

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Wann zahlt Fortescue Metals Group Dividende?

Wann zahlt Fortescue Dividende 2021?

FMG Dividenden

Ex-Dividenden-Tag Dividende Zahlungsdatum
06.09.2021 2,11 30.09.2021
01.03.2021 1,47 24.03.2021
31.08.2020 1 02.10.2020
02.03.2020 0,76 06.04.2020

When did CRA become Rio Tinto Limited?

Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd (CRA) was established in 1962 after an amalgamation between Consolidated Zinc Pty Ltd of Broken Hill and the Rio Tinto Company. In 1995 the Australian and British Rio Tinto companies were unified under a single management. Following this, in 1997, CRA became Rio Tinto Limited.

What does Rio Tinto do?

Rio Tinto Group is an Anglo-Australian multinational and the world’s second largest metals and mining corporation, behind BHP, producing iron ore, copper, diamonds, gold and uranium. The company was founded in 1873, when a multinational consortium of investors purchased a mine complex on the Rio Tinto, in Huelva, Spain, from the Spanish government.

When did Rio Tinto merge with Consolidated Zinc?

In 1962, Rio Tinto Company merged with the Australian firm Consolidated Zinc to form the Rio Tinto – Zinc Corporation (RTZ) and its main subsidiary, Conzinc Riotinto of Australia (CRA). The merger provided Rio Tinto the ability to exploit its new-found opportunities, and gave Consolidated Zinc a much larger asset base.

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When did Rio Tinto change the ratio of its ADR programme?

On 12 April 2010, Rio Tinto announced a ratio change for the Rio Tinto plc American Depository Receipts (ADR) programme. With effect from 30 April 2010, one ADR represents one Ordinary share of 10p in Rio Tinto plc prior to this date one ADR represented 4 Ordinary shares.