Wer hat die Cookinseln entdeckt?

Jahrhundert durch Polynesier von den Gesellschaftsinseln und Samoa aus entdeckt und besiedelt. Der erste europäische Kontakt mit den Cookinseln wird auf das Jahr 1595 datiert, als der Spanier Alvaro de Mendaña de Neyra auf der nördlichen Insel Pukapuka landete.

Welche Inseln hat James Cook entdeckt?

April 1770, betraten der Seefahrer und Entdecker James Cook sowie seine Besatzung das erste Mal Australien. Sie gehörten damit zu den ersten Europäern auf dem Kontinent.

What is Aitutaki like?

Aitutaki means „a little paradise“, home to approximately 1800 people and the world’s most beautiful lagoon. It’s only 220 km or a 50-minute flight from Rarotonga. Secluded and romantic, 15 motus (islets) are sprinkled across this huge turquoise, sunkissed lagoon. After Rarotonga, Aitutaki is our second most visited island in the Cook Islands.

Where is Aitutaki atoll?

Just north of Rarotonga is the small Aitutaki atoll and it is the second most visited island of the Cook Islands (after Rarotonga). Arutanga is the main village and it’s located on the western side of the atoll. This was more or less the reason we went to the Cook Islands. When to visit Aitutaki

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How many motus are there in Aitutaki?

Secluded and romantic, 15 motus (islets) are sprinkled across this huge turquoise, sunkissed lagoon. After Rarotonga, Aitutaki is our second most visited island in the Cook Islands. Secluded and romantic, it holds a compelling allure for honeymooners, many of whom choose this haven for the duration of their stay.

How many football clubs are there in Aitutaki?

With a population of 2,000 residing on the island and 50,000 overseas, there are four clubs on Aitutaki and eight teams (each club having a first team and a reserve team). The best players on the island play for the Aitutaki island team against their main rivals Rarotonga.