Wie funktioniert der Prime Day?

Am Prime Day können alle Kunden teilnehmen, die zum Bestellzeitpunkt eine aktive Prime-Mitgliedschaft (inkl. Prime-Mitglieder während ihres Gratiszeitraums und Student-Mitglieder) haben oder eingeladenes Haushaltsmitglied sind. Prime Video-Mitglieder können die Artikel zum regulären Preis kaufen.

Wann sind Amazon Prime Days 2021?

Jetzt hat Amazon das Datum für die Rabattaktion bestätigt. So wird der Prime Day 2021 am 21. und 22. Juni stattfinden.

Was ist ein Prime Day?

Der Amazon Prime Day ist ein jährliches zweitägiges Schnäppchen-Spektakel, das ausschließlich für Prime-Mitglieder veranstaltet wird (du kannst aber auch mit einer kostenlosen 30-Tage-Testversion von Prime teilnehmen).

What is Amazon Prime Day?

Prime Day is an annual deal event exclusively for Prime members, delivering two days of special savings on tons of items. Prime Day 2020 was on Oct. 13-14 and marked the two biggest days ever for small & medium businesses in Amazon’s stores worldwide.

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Why was Amazon Prime Day 2020 delayed?

The changes restricted the retailer’s efforts to sell and ship the huge amount of products that the retailer expected to sell during a normal Amazon Prime Day. As a result, the event was delayed from its usual mid-July time frame in 2020 to October 13-14, 2020.

Will Amazon Prime Day 2021 have a free trial?

The good news for new Prime members is that you can sign up and get a 30-day free trial. If you sign up a couple of weeks before the Prime Day 2021 launch date, you can shop and take advantage of all of its discounts, and then cancel your membership afterward before the trial period ends.

Are We entering a new era of double Amazon Prime Day?

Adobe Analytics tracked $10.4 billion in sales over last year’s October event, and $11 billion during the Prime Day 2021. That means an October event remains an incredibly lucrative prospect for the retailer, and now that it knows interest is sustainable throughout the year we may be entering a new era of the double Prime Day.

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