Wie geht es dir mean?

Wie geht es dir? Bedeutungen: [1] Interrogativsatz (Fragesatz): Frage nach dem Wohlbefinden oder dem Gesundheitszustand einer befreundeten oder gut bekannten Person. [1] Frage, Höflichkeitsfloskel.

Wie geht es dir Ihnen euch?

“Wie geht es Ihnen” and “wie geht es dir,” or simply “wie geht’s,” both mean the same thing- they’re greetings meaning roughly the same as “how’s it going” in English. The first version is formal the second is informal. Ihnen,is used when communicating with someone is a formal way.

Why do we say “Wie geht es dir” in German?

Why do We Say “Wie geht es DIR?” in German? This is one of the most frequent mistakes made not only by beginners but also by many advanced German learners. They say Wie bist du? (“How are you as a person?”) or Ich bin besser. (“I am a better person/I can do that better.”) or Wie gehst du? (“How are you going?”).

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What is the difference between “Ihnen” and “Dir” in German?

The bottom line is this: If you are talking to a friend, relative, pet, or deity, you use the word “dir” in the question “Wir geht’s dir?” If you are talking to a coworker, person of authority, or stranger, you use the word “Ihnen” in the question “Wie geht es Ihnen?” If you are answering the question, you should usually use “mir” in the answer.

How do you answer “Wie geht es ihnen?

If you are talking to a coworker, person of authority, or stranger, you use the word “Ihnen” in the question “Wie geht es Ihnen?” If you are answering the question, you should usually use “mir” in the answer. Learn all about the dative personal pronouns “dir”, “mir”, and “Ihnen” here.

How do you respond to Wie geht’s in German?

You can respond to “Wie geht’s” with just a few words or you can tell your conversation partner all about your day. It is common and even expected to follow up any answer with “und dir/Ihnen?” (what about you?) or with “und selbst?” (and yourself?).

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Was kann man schreiben statt wie geht es dir?

Statt Ihre Alternative zu „Wie geht’s dir?…Auffordern statt fragen

  • Erzähl mir von deinem Tag / deiner Woche.
  • Gib mir eine Zusammenfassung deiner Gedanken von heute.
  • Lass mich an deiner Freude / deinem Leid teilhaben.
  • Nenn mir drei Dinge, die dich diese Woche herausgefordert haben.

Wie gehts Niederlande?

Hoe maak je het? Wie geht es dir?
Hoe gaat het met jou? Wie geht es dir?

Was bedeutet alles gut bei dir?

alles gut (bei dir) – Synonyme bei OpenThesaurus. halb so schlimm · (ist ja) nichts passiert · alles gut! (ugs.) · kein Problem (ugs.)

What does “Wie geht’s” mean?

“Wie geht’s” is actually the short form of “Wie geht es” (How’s it going) or “Wie geht es Dir/Ihnen” (How are you doing). It is used in formal (Ihnen) and informal (Dir) situations, you can use it to start a conversation with whoever you meet.

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How do you say “gut’s Dir” in German?

Again, there is a complicated answer to this, but for the beginners, Since you used “dir” or “Ihnen” in the question, the answer should usually have “mir” in it. While you can answer the question “Wie geht’s dir?” with “Ich bin…” and some adjectives, “gut” and “schlecht” are not on that list.