Wie genau sind Urin Teststreifen?

Urinteststreifen benötigen nur eine geringe Menge Urin und sind eine schnelle und preiswerte Untersuchungsmethode, dienen aber nur der groben Orientierung. Das Vorhandensein von Erythrozyten, Hämoglobin oder Blut weist auf eine Hämaturie hin, die Nachweisgrenze liegt bei 1,5 mg/l.

Wie lange Teststreifen in Urin halten?

Zunächst müssen Sie in einen sauberen Becher urinieren. Anschließend halten Sie den Teststreifen für wenige Sekunden in den Urin und nehmen ihn dann wieder heraus. Je nach Test zeigen sich nun meist nach ein bis zwei Minuten Verfärbungen auf dem Teststreifen.

What is a urine routine test?

A urine routine test is a common medical test done by taking a sample of urine. It is one of the most frequently performed tests. Urine routine test includes physical, chemical and microscopic examination of urine. 8 to 24 Hrs.

Why would a doctor order a urine test?

Routine Urinalysis Test. A Urinalysis is often ordered as part of routine general health testing. It may also be requested when a person is experiencing symptoms such as abdominal or back pain, painful or frequent urination and blood in the urine which may be caused by kidney disease or a urinary tract infection.

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How long does it take to analyze a urine test?

The analysis can be done in just a few minutes of collecting urine. It might not always yield to accurate result as urine test using a test strip is time-sensitive. It only shows limited information about the composition of urine. A urine test strip is more of qualitative and not much on the quantitative information. (1, 9, and 10)

What should I do if my urine test results are abnormal?

If your urine routine test results are above the normal range, your doctor may order additional tests to determine the cause. Complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, urine culture, liver panel, or even MRI or CT scans will be ordered. What color is urine if you have a urinary tract infection?