Wie gut ist Tidal?

Möchtest du unterwegs Musik hören, kannst du bei TIDAL die Soundqualität variabel einstellen: Normal: 96 Kbit/s. Hoch: 320 Kbit/s. HiFi: 1.411 Kbit/s.

Was ist Tidal HiFi?

Tidal HiFi: Studio-Qualität für zu Hause Im Standard-Abo streamst du im AAC-Format mit 320 kbps in durchschnittlicher Qualität. Im HiFi-Abonnement hast du die Wahl zwischen HiFi-Qualität im FLAC-Format (16 Bit/44,1 kHz/1411 kbps) und Master-Qualität im MQA-Format (24 Bit/96 kHz/4608 kbps).

Was ist Tidal Masters?

Der Musik-Streaming-Dienst Tidal nimmt laut eigenen Angaben ca. 30.000 Titel in Studio-Master-Auflösung (meist 24 Bit / 96 kHz) in seinen Streaming-Katalog mit auf – Codename: Tidal Masters. Diese stammen vorrangig von der Warner Music Group, einigen Independent Labels und exklusiven Tidal-Veröffentlichungen.

How do I connect my Tidal account to a+ remote?

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Click Connect, enter your TIDAL credentials, and enjoy your music!The TIDAL tab will then automatically appear on A+ Remote. On this page Audirvana Plus purchased license owners also have the opportunity to claim their free 90 days TIDAL HiFi trial.

How do I connect my Tidal account to Audirvana Plus?

Install on your Mac Audirvana Plus version 2.5 or later. Open its Preferences, Streaming page. Click Connect, enter your TIDAL credentials, and enjoy your music!The TIDAL tab will then automatically appear on A+ Remote. On this page Audirvana Plus purchased license owners also have the opportunity to claim their free 90 days TIDAL HiFi trial.

How do I Play TIDAL on an iPad or iPhone?

You can then control the OpenHome Player’s TIDAL access and playback with any OpenHome controller on the iPad or iPhone that support’s TIDAL, such as the Linn Kazoo app or the Lumin app (both free). We will win because our NHS is the beating heart of this country. It is the best of this country.

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How do I use tidal connect with other casting technologies?

Other casting technologies have limitations around the quality of the audio you are hearing. How do I use TIDAL Connect? In the TIDAL app, open the „Now Playing“ screen while playing a song. On the “Now Playing” screen, look for the icon. Choose a TIDAL Connect enabled speaker from the list.