Wie viel Cent sind eine schwedische Krone?

Sie ist frei konvertierbar. Die Münzen und Banknoten werden von der Schwedischen Reichsbank (Sveriges Riksbank) ausgegeben….Schwedische Krone.

Unterteilung: 100 Öre
ISO-4217-Code: SEK
Abkürzung: Skr
Wechselkurs: (6. Januar 2022) 1 EUR = 10,3265 SEK 1 SEK = 0,09684 EUR 1 CHF = 9,9341 SEK 1 SEK = 0,10066 CHF

Wie viel Euro sind 10 Öre?

Wechselkurs von Dänische Krone (DKK) zu Euro (€) (EUR)
DKK Dänische Krone EUR Euro (€) DKK Dänische Krone
10 1,34 74,38
20 2,69 148,76
50 6,72 371,89

Wie viel Tschechische Kronen kriegt man für 1 €?

1 EUR = 24,43350 CZK.

What is a 20 kronor note called?

20 Swedish Kronor banknote (Selma Lagerlof) The Sveriges Riksbank issued Swedish Krona banknotes in 10 different denominations, including this 20 Swedish Kronor banknote (Selma Lagerlof). They are part of the withdrawn Swedish Krona banknotes series. The Sveriges Riksbank started issuing these 20 Swedish Krona banknotes in 1997.

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Who does the purple colored banknote of tjugo kronor show?

The purple colored banknote of tjugo kronor shows Selma Lagerlof, Swedish author. Printed on the paper note is the text ‘Sveriges Riksbank’. On the backside of the 20 SEK note is an image of Nils Holgersson sitting on the back of a flying goose.

What is a 20 Swedish kronor (Selma Lagerlof)?

The Sveriges Riksbank issued Swedish Krona banknotes in 10 different denominations, including this 20 Swedish Kronor banknote (Selma Lagerlof). They are part of the withdrawn Swedish Krona banknotes series. The Sveriges Riksbank started issuing these 20 Swedish Krona banknotes in 1997. They were withdrawn from circulation in 2016.

When did the Sveriges Riksbank start issuing 20 Swedish krona banknotes?

The Sveriges Riksbank started issuing these 20 Swedish Krona banknotes in 1997. They were withdrawn from circulation in 2016. The purple colored banknote of tjugo kronor shows Selma Lagerlof, Swedish author. Printed on the paper note is the text ‘Sveriges Riksbank’.

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