Wie viele Deutsche leben in Papua-Neuguinea?


Deutsch-Neuguinea Mikronesien und Melanesien
Einwohner: zirka 480.000 Einwohner (1912)
Währung: 1885–1911: Neuguinea-Mark, ab 1911: Goldmark
Besitzergreifung: 1884–1914 Schutzgebiet
Heutige Gebiete: Papua-Neuguinea Mikronesien Nördliche Marianen Palau Nauru Marshallinseln Salomonen (Nordteil)

Wo ist die Bismarcksee?

Die Bismarcksee ist ein kleines Randmeer im Pazifischen Ozean. Es befindet sich nördlich der Insel Neuguinea sowie südwestlich des Bismarck-Archipels.

What is a Papua New Guinean Australian?

Papua New Guinean Australians are the citizens and residents of Australia who were born in Papua New Guinea (PNG) or have Papua New Guinean ancestry. Papua New Guinea was administered by Australian until 1975, formally divided into the Territory of Papua and the Territory of New Guinea (a League of Nations mandate ).

Who is the current Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea?

Papua New Guinea. Peter O’Neill emerged as Papua New Guinea’s prime minister after the July 2012 election, and formed a government with Leo Dion, the former Governor of East New Britain Province, as deputy prime minister.

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How many Japanese died in Papua New Guinea in WW2?

Approximately 216,000 Japanese, Australian, and U.S. servicemen died. After World War II and the victory of the Allies, the two territories were combined into the Territory of Papua and New Guinea. This was later referred to as „Papua New Guinea“.

Is there any collaboration between Papua New Guinea and Africa?

There is existing collaboration between Papua New Guinea and African States. The country is part of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) forum. There is a thriving community of Africans who live and work in the country.