Wird der Bereich Einkauf auch Materialwirtschaft genannt?

Beschaffung (auch Procurement, Purchasing oder Akquisition) ist in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre eine betriebliche Funktion in Unternehmen, die sich mit dem Einkauf und der Beschaffungslogistik von Material zur Weiterverarbeitung (Produktionsbetriebe) oder zum Weiterverkauf von Handelswaren (Handel) befasst.

What is materials management and how does it work?

After reading, you will understand the basics of this powerful business control tool for planning, products, and location among other activities in the organization. What is Materials Management? Materials Management is a method for planning, organizing and controlling the activities that are related to the flow of materials in a company.

What is the role of inventory management in material management?

Materials are usually classified as either direct or indirect materials. Direct materials are those that are required for a finished product, while indirect materials are those that do not directly generate the final product. In either case, inventory management is a vital aspect of material management. This can be broken down into three factors:

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What is the relationship between materials management and supply chain management?

The supply chain is linked to materials management as this method is used to plan and supply the organization. Inventory goes hand in hand with this in order to keep track of raw materials and specific products. This helps minimize costs to the organization and ensures maximum return on working capital.

Why is quality control important in Materials Management?

Quality control of materials is also important, since good quality materials lead to good quality products. Factors such as durability, dimensional accuracy, dependability, performance, reliability and aesthetic value can all be important quality factors for materials management, depending upon the applications.