Wo werden Black und Decker Geräte hergestellt?

Die Stanley Black & Decker Deutschland GmbH ist ein Hersteller von Elektrowerkzeugen und Zubehör mit Sitz in Idstein im Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis in Hessen.

Ist Dewalt eine deutsche Firma?

DeWalt ist eine US-amerikanische Elektrowerkzeug-Marke des Herstellers Stanley Black & Decker. Der Hauptsitz befindet sich in Towson bei Baltimore, Maryland, USA, die deutsche Niederlassung mit Entwicklung und Einkauf von DeWalt befindet sich in Idstein.

What is the difference between DeWalt and Black & Decker?

Black & Decker elects to use lower-quality materials, less thorough designs, and fewer quality considerations in the name of keeping costs low. On the other hand, DeWalt has a much higher price point. This means you get more of the features that Black & Decker is lacking.

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Is DeWalt made in the USA?

Today, DeWalt still operates as a subsidiary of Stanley Black & Decker – one of the world’s largest tool companies. Long Story Short… An American brand that’s part of the Stanley Black & Decker group.

Is black and Decker a good brand of tools?

An American brand that’s part of the Stanley Black & Decker group. Offers a wide selection corded and cordless tools and accessories of decent quality. Long Story Short… Part of the same group as DeWalt, Black & Decker makes entry-level tools. Its products are affordable and of a good enough quality for home use.

What does Stanley Works‘ acquisition of Black & Decker mean for You?

It was announced yesterday that after 4 attempts over the past 27 years Stanley Works has finally acquired Black & Decker in a $4.5 billion deal ($3.5bn stock & $1bn debt). Unfortunately this means about 4,000 additional jobs (10\% of work force) will be cut from the business that has already seen dramatic cuts.

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