Woher kommt der Name des Kontinents Amerika?

Er hat einen privaten Brief dieses Amerigo Vespucci ausgeschmückt. Als ein Jahr später, 1507, die beiden deutschen Kartografen Martin Waldseemüller und Matthias Ringmann die Weltkarten aktualisieren, benennen sie den neuen Kontinent „Amerika“ – nach seinem angeblichen Entdecker Amerigo Vespucci.

Was ist mit American Way of Life gemeint?

Der American Way of Life oder American Way (früher auch Amerikanismus genannt) ist ein für die Vereinigten Staaten typischer Lebensstil. Der amerikanische Lebensstil ist von Optimismus und Aktivität geprägt, er verbindet Ideale mit einer pragmatischen Einstellung.

How do you define Americanness?

A more visible and therefore more obvious definition of Americanness comes from a sense of belonging to American culture. Movies, television shows, and sports create heroes, a language, and references for Americans. Expressions are picked up from television shows and become part of mainstream language.

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Is it correct to say we are Americans?

You would say „We are Americans“ if you are standing in a defined group of people (can be counted) and talking about your group as individuals. You would say „We are American“ if talking about an abstract uncountable population or a group of people that will stay grouped.

What is the plural form of the word ‚American‘?

And it is a choice: ‚American‘ here is a (proper) adjective; compare ‚We are cold‘. It has no ‚plural form‘. ‚Americans‘ and ‚American‘ here are proper nouns; compare ‚We are doctors‘. An Ngram shows that both constructions are commonly used.

What does it mean to be a citizen of the US?

The primary definition involves the legal citizenship of the United States. This ensures the protection guaranteed by the Constitution and, in turn, obliges the citizen to accept the philosophy underlying the Constitution. The concept and practice of checks and balances is fundamental to the Constitution.

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